Saturday, August 8, 2009

Party Predictions

When it comes to gatherings with family and friends, it's highly likely that at least one of the following is bound to happen:

1. People will gather in the kitchen to chat, regardless of whether they are eating at the time.
2. Men will hang out together in one place, while women go to another.
3. There will be too much food.
4. When one guest decides to leave, the others soon follow.

What I can't predict, however, is which food or beverage will be the popular item at the party. I've been wrong on this many times. We once hosted a breakfast-themed dinner party, and nearly everyone showed up in pajamas. Someone who didn't wear pajamas had to go out for more champagne for mimosas because the drink was a bigger hit than expected.

1 comment:

  1. I'm different on that one. I always prefer to gab with the women. The conversation is generally more interesting, and the visual stimulation is way better.
