Monday, August 24, 2009

No Coffee Required

I've never understood the need for coffee in the morning, but some people just can't get moving without it. I turned down many cups of coffee during my reporting days. People would jokingly ask how I could do the job without java.

The truth? I don't like coffee. I love the smell, but not the taste. When I wrote a story about coffeehouses, one of the people I interviewed was eager to convert me to a coffee-craving customer. She put in some flavorings and assured me that I would like it. But I could still taste the coffee. No sale.

Health experts' opinions on coffee seem to change every year. It's good for you. It's bad for you. It's ok for you, but don't drink too much. I don't really pay attention to these claims because they won't change my taste. If coffee's bad for me, then I'm lucky I don't like it. If it's good for me, I'm not going to start drinking it. I'll just inhale the aroma.