Saturday, August 29, 2009

Cornhole? What's That?

When our neighbors are having a party in the summer, we can be pretty sure they will play cornhole. Coming from Pennsylvania, I was completely unfamiliar with this game. In Ohio, it's a staple of summer gatherings. It's played at church picnics, family get-togethers and at campsites.

There is an American Cornhole Association ( which has official rules and a description of the game. Similar to horseshoes or a bean bag toss, cornhole involves throwing small bags of corn to a wooden platform several feet away. (You can find the official platform dimensions and throwing distances online.) The object is to get your corn bags on the platform, or better yet, through the hole at the top of the downward-sloping board. It doesn't sound too hard, but it is. I've played twice and didn't do very well either time. It was fun, though.

I'm no longer surprised when I see "Cornhole sets for sale" signs in people's yards. People make the wooden platforms and decorate them with sports team logos or whatever they want. I suppose they wouldn't be too thrilled about making platforms with Pittsburgh Steelers logos on them.

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