Saturday, June 19, 2010

Warm syrup? Yes, please.

Last weekend, I went out for brunch and ordered pancakes. It was nothing out of the ordinary --until the waitress brought me warm syrup. Yes, that's right, warm syrup. What a difference that makes! I know it's summer, and the thought of putting warm syrup on pancakes may be revolting to some. But the restaurant's air conditioning was cranked high enough to give me goosebumps on my arms. Trust me, I appreciated the warmth of the syrup.

It's a special treat to be given something that someone took the time to warm up. If you've ever been given a heated blanket or towel, you know what I'm talking about. Hot chocolate, soup, cider or tea fall into this comforting category as well, especially when someone else heats it for you.

As much as a warm drink soothes on a cold day, there's nothing like a cold drink on a hot day like today. Some of the most grateful expressions I've ever seen on people's faces have appeared right after I handed them cold drinks.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Men and the lure of that blue and yellow store

Why is it that men are so drawn to Best Buy stores? Maybe the manager pumps the scent of bacon into the air vents. Anytime hubby and I are within a couple miles of a Best Buy store, he wants to stop in...even if he was just there a few days earlier.

Guys are crazy about gadgets and electronics. They love to have the latest thing on the market. Women, on the other hand, just want something that works. We want a gadget that does what we want it to do. It's not so important to us that our phones can do 85 different things. We probably only use 10 or 15 of those functions anyway. But those 10 or 15 had better work.