Monday, August 17, 2009

Are You Ready For This Quick And Easy Question I Whipped Up?

Does anyone else find it annoying when signs or brand names contain things like "Quik" or "EZ" in their names? My personal favorite is the canned whipped cream called "Reddi-wip."


  1. I don't think I've ever really been annoyed by this practice. I presume it's the brand names' way of making you believe that their product is new and different because they decided to misspell it in a clever way.
    On a hunch I decided to googled chicken drumstix and found that Milkbones uses the term for their chicken dog treats while Tyson and KFC refrained from using the misspelling. Perhaps they don't want to confuse any school aged children and cause them to make an unneccesary mistake on their spelling test.

  2. I meant google. I really do need to proofread my comments more thoroughly.

  3. What really bugs me is when people use a "k" instead of a "c" -- Klean Kanteen and the like. (I work with Chuck, and he mentioned that you started a blog, so I thought I'd follow you :)

  4. Linda,
    Thanks for pointing out another one. I'm not a fan of "stix" either.

    Thanks for checking this out. Yes, that's another one that can drive me crazy. I guess Krispy Kreme falls into that category too, but I eat their goodies anyway.
