Friday, July 31, 2009

Facing the Truth in Order to Move Forward

There's a lot I could say about financial expert Suze Orman, but I want to focus on one thing for this post: her frank, in-your-face honesty. I've been a fan of her books and TV show for several years, and I've been impressed with how she counsels people. She's not afraid to be brutally honest with a caller to get to the meat of the problem. Most of the time, she knows the truth about someone's situation before he or she vocalizes it. I don't think I've ever heard anyone get upset on the phone with her when she forces him or her to face something. This is pretty amazing, considering some of the tough topics and life events that people discuss with her.

Many people call her about money problems, but don't realize how those problems are closely related to and caused by what's going on inside a person. For example, she has traced overspending to a need to compensate for an emotional void. Her theory is that if you fix the emotional issue, the money problem gets repaired too.

At some point in our lives, all of us need a harsh dose of reality. Often, it comes in the form of some carefully spoken words from someone we know and trust. Those words can be the catalyst for taking a crucial step forward in some area of life: school, work, faith, money or relationships. Here's hoping all of us know people like that who care enough to tell us the truth for our own good. And here's hoping we hear them out.

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