Friday, July 24, 2009

The 100-Calorie Snack

I want to know who decided to make 100 calories the right amount for a snack. One company decided that was the magic number, and then everybody else followed suit. Now everybody has to have a 100-calorie snack bag. Please. Those bags have four tiny cookies in them. Who wants that?

I bought some ice cream treats that came in a box sporting a bright yellow circle that trumpeted: "90 calories per piece." Each ice cream treat is about the size of my thumb. That's a nice size snack ... for a five-year-old. I checked the serving size on the box. FOUR! Yes! That makes me feel better about eating two.

On a related note, I do not understand how they can call those candy bars given out at Halloween "fun size." What's fun about a tiny candy bar?


  1. The "fun" is trying to find it in the oversize wrapper. On the plus side, even the foreign objects (pins. etc) that evil people might try to put in the treats are larger than the candy bar itself.

    Perhaps a more effective marketing ploy may be "terroroist free fun size with see-through wrapper"

  2. Hmm. Could they fit all that text on the bag?
