Thursday, October 8, 2009

Seasonal Tastes Differ by Zip Code

It's clambake season in Cleveland. Apparently, that's a normal thing for this time of year. When I lived an hour or two south of Cleveland, barbecue chicken was the item of choice for a fall fundraiser. In northwest Pennsylvania, it was spaghetti dinners.

It's funny how much difference a few miles can make to the local food scene. I once ate a famous Primanti Brothers sandwich in Pittsburgh, Pa. Personally, I don't like cole slaw and french fries inside my sandwich, but the popularity of that sandwich tells me that lots of other people do. Then again, I initially turned my nose up at the meatball omelet that is the pride of Dominick's late-night diner in Erie, Pa. Once I tasted it, I was a fan.

I haven't been to a clambake yet. I guess I won't know if I like it until I try it.


  1. Hmm, I guess we'll have to visit Dominick's for this unique omelet experience. I'll let you know what we think. That reminds me of how our Dad used to put ketchup on our scrambled eggs. We thought that was good, too. I'll have to ask Jessica what eats are popular in Berlin right now.

  2. I'd be curious to know what people are eating in Berlin.

  3. I've lived in the Cleveland area for four years now and have never been to a clambake (nor have I ever tried to host my own.) I did however take up motorcycling after moving here, obtaining my endorsement (Ohio has one of the cheapest safety courses, and reasonable license fees.)
