Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Meat-Happy in the U.S.A.

We sure are a meat-happy country. I just saw an ad for a six-meat pizza. I don't suppose that leaves room for anything else other than sauce and cheese among the various meats. Come to think of it, which six meats would they put on that thing? They must be including several types of pork, chicken and hamburger to come up with six meats.

A local restaurant offers steaks ranging in size from 10 ounces to 23 ounces. I suppose they want you to forget that the Food Guide Pyramid's recommended serving size for meat is 3 ounces. That's the size of a deck of cards.

I am not a meat hater or a vegetarian or anything like that. I like meat a lot. I just can't (and shouldn't) eat 10 ounces in one sitting. I've noticed that many restaurants don't list the size of their hamburgers. I always ask what the burgers weigh, because most are a half pound. I can't eat that much either. Give me a quarter pound and I'm content. I know, I'm so unAmerican.


  1. Jane, I just wanted to let you know that you are not alone. My daughter doesn't like large portions of meat all at once, either. While the guys in our family want 1/3# burgers, I prefer a 1/4# and my girl is happy with just a 1/8# size. Our son on the other hand will eat meat until it comes out his ears. He loves meat lovers pizzas, Wendy's Baconators and BKs new Steakhouse Burgers.

  2. So I guess the burgers on the grill come in three different sizes at your house, huh?
