Saturday, September 26, 2009

A Useful Skill

My high school teachers may cringe at this, but I can honestly say that typing the right way was one of the most worthwhile things I learned as a teen. When I see people typing with two fingers, I'm grateful for the typing class, which I'm fairly certain was a required one.

At the time, the class didn't seem all that important. Sure, I knew I'd have to write papers in college, but I had no idea how useful typing would be in my everyday life years later. I can't really say that about algebra or trigonometry.


  1. I've had this same thought a thousand times, Jane, only in the context of thanking my mom for insisting that I take typing class in junior high. When I think of the time it's saved over 25 years to type relatively fast, it feels as though I've gained four or five years of life simply by inputting faster.
