Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Planning and Adapting

I took a day trip for work yesterday. It went well, but what struck me was this recurring truth: the things I thought could be problematic weren't, while other things I never thought would be an issue became problems. I guess I could argue that because I anticipated certain things and planned for them, they did not become problems. For example, I allowed extra travel time because I expected heavy traffic during rush hour. Oddly enough, the traffic wasn't heavy. I still can't believe it.

No matter how prepared I think I am, something always seems to surprise me. Life is like that. I guess that helps us learn to adapt.


  1. Allowing extra travel time is a practical reminder, especially at this time of year. "Learn to adapt" - a great mantra for daily life.

  2. Oh, yes. There's that practical word again.
