Sunday, October 4, 2009

Why We Like Mysteries

I have a theory about why people like to read mysteries or watch detectives solve crimes in TV shows or movies. I think we just want to make sense of things. We want the satisfaction of figuring something out because so many things in life don't make sense from the limited viewpoint of what a person knows and understands.

For example, despite scientific explanations, it's hard to comprehend why natural disasters happen or why someone becomes seriously ill.

Some things I've struggled to make sense of in my life have made sense later, after I had a greater understanding of the situation and the events that followed. Or maybe I found a reason that quieted my questions for a while. My reason for anything I don't understand is simply that God has a plan and a reason for things happening (or not happening, or not happening the way I planned.) It's the best reason I know.

1 comment:

  1. Loved your blog entry today, Jane.
    As the song says "We'll understand it better by and by." I love trying to figure things out also but sometimes, it's just simply impossible. It's a good thing that "The just shall live by faith" (Galatians 3:11) so we're not expected to understand it all.
