Sunday, October 18, 2009

Why Don't Men Eat Yogurt?

Is it just my perception or do men dislike yogurt unless it's the frozen kind?

My husband turns up his nose at yogurt. He jokes that the brand I buy is "Yobleaaaaah."

I think yogurt tastes like pudding, unless you buy the plain variety of yogurt. Follow the logic with me here. Yogurt tastes like pudding. Pudding tastes good. Yogurt tastes good. What's the problem?


  1. I don't know what the problem is, Jane. I like your logic. Even the plain variety is great when one adds fruit, vanilla flavoring and maybe some sugar! My husband is a yogurt fan - strawberry, chocolate (yeah, yum!)...He says that yogurt is a healthy way to quickly boost blood sugar. Healthy and yummy - works for us!

  2. That chocolate flavor you mentioned sure sounded good.

  3. Karl likes yogurt! And Anna LOVES it! MP
