Thursday, October 22, 2009

I've Pre-read This for You

Lately, I've been noticing how many step-saving, time-saving products are available. Pre-cut fruit, shredded cheese and shredded cabbage have been around for a while, but I've also seen pre-sharpened pencils, pre-charged rechargeable batteries, and computers with software already loaded on them.

But some products should never join this list. Remember the childhood joke about ABC (Already Been Chewed) gum? Yeah, gum should never be sold pre-chewed. Eeeeew. Even if gum were mechanically softened into an irregular-shaped wad, that would be weird.


  1. I like the "salad in a bag" myself, which saves quite a bit of chopping when I'm making a salad. Buying pre-mixed cocktails takes some of the fun out of that process, however!

  2. I think there is something lacking in the ready-to-bake cookie doughs. It's just not the same as Mom's good old homemades.

  3. Love the title, Jane. Thanks for pre-reading!

  4. Glenn and Linda,
    It's nice to have the pre-cut, pre-mixed and pre-made products available, but it's also nice to have the option of not buying them. Homemade is always better.

    Glad I could save you some time.
