One of the difficult things about summer is that it's easier to get caught singing in the car. If the windows are open and you're stopped at a red light, there's a pretty good chance that the driver next to you can hear you singing. If a sing-worthy song starts playing on the radio or the CD player, I usually do a window check before singing. Of course, people can still see my lips moving. Maybe they think I'm talking to myself.
I remember being stopped at a light once when the person who was driving burst into some spirited singing and upper-body dancing. As the non-dancing passenger in the same car, I witnessed an entire carload of people laughing at this scene.
At a red light a few days ago, I glanced in my rear-view mirror and noticed something going on in the car behind me. The driver's hands were flailing around and thumping on the steering wheel. Must've been one awesome drum solo.
Sometimes I harmonize with the song on the radio instead of singing the melody. I always sing the Paul Simon part in "The Sounds of Silence".